by Dale Wasserman, directed by Jackson Gay, People's Light and Theatre, PA
costumes: Jessica Ford, lighting: Joshua Schulman, sound: Fitz Patton

cast: Brandon A. Oakes, James Ijames, Delante G. Keys, Marcia Saunders, Jessica Bedford, Lenny Haas, Joseph Michael O'Brien, Aubie Merrylees, Mark Lazar, Tom Teti, Joe Guzman, Paul L. Nolan, William Zielinski, Pete Prior, Jerome Preston Bates, Laura Carlow, Georgia Cohen


"The claustrophobic set, with the flickering fluorescent lighting, the sanitized linoleum flooring and the metal mesh window cages, only serves to add to the intensity of the penned-in war of wills." – Kaitlyn Foti, Montgomery News

"The set is both sterile and loud. Surgical steel instruments gleam under humming fluorescent lights. Barred windows block out the sun and it feels like we are in a state hospital from the 1960's. They've got the props right down to the tiny black and white television." – Chris Cameron, Pottstown Mercury