by Tom Jones and Harvey Schmidt, directed by Susan H. Schulman, Westport Country Playhouse, CT
costumes: Devon Painter, lighting: Philip S. Rosenberg, sound: Domonic Sack

cast: Kate Baldwin, Lewis Cleale

additional photos provided by T. Charles Erickson, copyright protected images


"There's no way to avoid putting a bed at the center of the stage, but Wilson Chin's revolves, so we can see it from different angles. It becomes a visual analogue for the passing years."– Sylviane Gold, New York Times

"The musical opens with picture frames suspended from the ceiling, creating a curtain of individual images representing the stages of married life. As they walk off talking about the new family coming into their home as they retire, that opening curtain of frames reappears. This time, the frames are empty, waiting to be filled with moments of another couple's lives. Wilson Chin's dramatic scenic design allows the audience to fill in the blanks with their own imaginations."– Joanne Greco Rochman, Republican-American